Monday, April 27, 2015


Entering her house to begin her treatments, it's the first thing that catches my eye.... the orchid on her windowsill....


pristine white

breathtakingly beautiful

standing tall in the middle of winter

"Is that real?  It's so pretty."

"Yeah, it's been blooming like crazy for months now."

She has been in the battle off and on for over four years  




prepared for the worst

too many times to count

I notice the post-it notes all over her house

"Don't give up"

"No Whining"

"You can do it!!"

Several weeks, more treatments, another whole month goes by.

Now I really start to pay attention and look for it every time I come....


it's incredible

more luminous and radiant than ever, the orchid has

 not changed at all

against all odds

 it continues to flourish

Her new wig is really cute--I wouldn't have even known if she didn't mention it.  It brings out the seafoam green color of her eyes. And she can now wear the same size jeans she did as a freshman in high school--they really do look great on her.

She was a gymnast--she tells me--always strong and athletic. Raised from hearty stock,  she was taught to never give up, never give in.  I see a picture of her around 15 years old-- fresh faced, dimpled smile, sweet.

The doctor, at her last visit, not wanting to give her false hope, reminds her that it took her sister about five years ago, and her grandmother before that.

Ha!  She won't hear of it!  Statistics, schmatistics!  She will show us all.

Finally, he too,  just smiles and shakes his head.

More time goes by...

One day, as she talks, I gaze at the orchid in the window



Just maybe


It can happen

It will happen!

Now she has me believing it too

I say a prayer for her as I leave her house 

and  I think about how magnificent they are






Everlasting Orchids

**They are like a tree
planted near streams of water, 
that gives its fruit in season
Its leaves never wither

*all photos courtesy of Wiki Commons
**Psalm 1: 3